Who are you, Amy?

Fundamentally, this may be the most profound of all questions for each of us. The philosopher, spiritual seeker and curious part of me is fascinated by how life expresses as you and me. I am a woman who loves deeply, who is enamored by life, who treasures beauty, and who is connected to all that arises - nature, human and spirit. Having lived at the foot of the mountains, the edge of the desert and near the sea, there are many places I call home including Idaho, Alaska and California. I am fascinated by stories. I think in systems and puzzles. And, I talk to plants. I play with my dog. I laugh with friends. I am nourished by the texture, taste and nuance of preparing a lovely meal and sharing food with those I love. I thrive in nature. I’ve experienced loss and love, heartbreak and great joy. With great humility and gratitude, I honor that life expresses itself through me as woman, as healer, as friend; that creativity inspires me in a myriad of ways. And, that I have the ability to play and move my body and experience music, birdsong, sunsets, sunshine, fresh flowers, warm fires, and hot baths. I am blessed to have sat at the feet of phenomenal teachers and mentors. I am beyond blessed to be gifted the incredible trust of my patients as we journey life and healing together.

What is your philosophy of healing?

You are not broken!

Many ancient healing paths recognize that two of the key reasons for becoming ill are (1) being out of alignment with nature; and (2) being out of alignment with our individual essence nature. We are inspired by life and we are in constant interaction with all of life. We are love and we are healed by love.

Life chose to be you! Uniquely, beautifully, wondrously you! How does life delight in expressing itself as you? What might get in the way of you having an easeful, delightful, fluid expression of life essence? These are the questions I ask as I listen to my patients’ stories, evaluate their unique physiology and curate an individualized treatment plan.

Each person has a unique pattern of expression and response to his/her experiences. These patterns give us our strengths and also leave us vulnerable to certain imbalances and symptoms. By understanding the individual terrain or patterns of adaptation, we can honor the individual, and ultimately support thriving. The body is always doing what it is doing for a reason. But, under increased stress (whether internal or external stressors) the patterns of adaptation become overburdened, and when the proverbial bucket overflows, symptoms arise.

Our bodies and symptoms don’t need to be a mystery to us, or leave us feeling powerless or afraid. With skillful understanding of physiology and patterns, we have the opportunity to pay attention to the places we get stuck, to honor our vulnerabilities, and to be self-aware. This allows for skillful movement, service and compassion for ourselves. We can make daily empowered choices that support our individual needs. Our buckets may still overflow at times and we may have symptoms arise. With understanding and tools, we have the knowledge and capacity to shift gears, to meet our needs with self-love and compassion, and to ask for help when we need it.

How do you define health?

Health is remembering and operating in harmony with our true essence and living in rhythm with nature. Health arises from cultivating the habits that allow for greater ease of being. It involves strengthening our physical, emotional and energy bodies so that we can digest and metabolize our experiences. Health comes with an integration of our body, mind and spirit. From this space, we can connect with our senses, experience pleasure and be nourished by life. We abide with a sense of safety, and support ourselves where we are most vulnerable. We skillfully palliate symptoms when needed, while also understanding the deeper causes of our imbalances. We are resilient. We approach our healing with compassion, love and skillful action. We live in greater harmony with ourselves and nature and experience daily ease and well-being.

This type of healing has far reaching consequences, not only for our own well-being but that of our families, our communities and our world. It is for this reason, I am passionate about my work and constantly exploring myself, the world and the art of medicine and healing.


Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Minor in English from University Alaska Fairbanks, 1993

Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine with high honors from National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, 2006. Licensed Naturopathic Doctor in the State of California.

Post Doctoral Fellowship in Endobiogenic Medicine and Integrative Physiology, 2014